Administration and advice

- Discussion and design with the client of an appropriate portfolio and investment strategy
- Optimal risk and return combination analysis
- Benchmark developing
- Valuation and analysis of investment portfolios
- Stress tests
- Evaluation of changes in the regulatory environment
- Market research and analysis
- Asset Allocation evaluation and advice
- Performance attribution
- Periodic Reports
- Account statements with independent source prices
Argentina Economic and Financial Report (REFA)
- Monitoring of domestic macroeconomic conditions, including public finances, external sector, monetary policy and financial sector
- Sovereign and Corporate bonds analysis and the consistency of valuations and macro perspectives
International Economic and Financial Report (REFI)
- Monitoring of the most important economic and financial indicators in relevant developed economies
- Yield curves, currencies and commodities prices perspectives
- Monthly in-company presentations and discussion of client’s relevant issues
- Fluid contact with client in order to solve specific issues
- Date base access
- Economic latest events summary and newsletters periodic delivery
QF Weekly Monitor
- Analysis of high frequency monetary and financial indicators of Argentina, including sovereign bonds, FX, interest rates and banking system data